280 research outputs found

    Frequency Dropout: Feature-Level Regularization via Randomized Filtering

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    Deep convolutional neural networks have shown remarkable performance on various computer vision tasks, and yet, they are susceptible to picking up spurious correlations from the training signal. So called `shortcuts' can occur during learning, for example, when there are specific frequencies present in the image data that correlate with the output predictions. Both high and low frequencies can be characteristic of the underlying noise distribution caused by the image acquisition rather than in relation to the task-relevant information about the image content. Models that learn features related to this characteristic noise will not generalize well to new data. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective training strategy, Frequency Dropout, to prevent convolutional neural networks from learning frequency-specific imaging features. We employ randomized filtering of feature maps during training which acts as a feature-level regularization. In this study, we consider common image processing filters such as Gaussian smoothing, Laplacian of Gaussian, and Gabor filtering. Our training strategy is model-agnostic and can be used for any computer vision task. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Frequency Dropout on a range of popular architectures and multiple tasks including image classification, domain adaptation, and semantic segmentation using both computer vision and medical imaging datasets. Our results suggest that the proposed approach does not only improve predictive accuracy but also improves robustness against domain shift.Comment: 15 page

    Analysing race and sex bias in brain age prediction

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    Brain age prediction from MRI has become a popular imaging biomarker associated with a wide range of neuropathologies. The datasets used for training, however, are often skewed and imbalanced regarding demographics, potentially making brain age prediction models susceptible to bias. We analyse the commonly used ResNet-34 model by conducting a comprehensive subgroup performance analysis and feature inspection. The model is trained on 1,215 T1-weighted MRI scans from Cam-CAN and IXI, and tested on UK Biobank (n=42,786), split into six racial and biological sex subgroups. With the objective of comparing the performance between subgroups, measured by the absolute prediction error, we use a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by two post-hoc Conover-Iman tests to inspect bias across race and biological sex. To examine biases in the generated features, we use PCA for dimensionality reduction and employ two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests to identify distribution shifts among subgroups. Our results reveal statistically significant differences in predictive performance between Black and White, Black and Asian, and male and female subjects. Seven out of twelve pairwise comparisons show statistically significant differences in the feature distributions. Our findings call for further analysis of brain age prediction models.Comment: MICCAI Workshop on Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging (FAIMI 2023

    Is Texture Predictive for Age and Sex in Brain MRI?

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    Deep learning builds the foundation for many medical image analysis tasks where neuralnetworks are often designed to have a large receptive field to incorporate long spatialdependencies. Recent work has shown that large receptive fields are not always necessaryfor computer vision tasks on natural images. We explore whether this translates to certainmedical imaging tasks such as age and sex prediction from a T1-weighted brain MRI scans.Comment: MIDL 2019 [arXiv:1907.08612

    Distance Matters For Improving Performance Estimation Under Covariate Shift

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    Performance estimation under covariate shift is a crucial component of safe AI model deployment, especially for sensitive use-cases. Recently, several solutions were proposed to tackle this problem, most leveraging model predictions or softmax confidence to derive accuracy estimates. However, under dataset shifts, confidence scores may become ill-calibrated if samples are too far from the training distribution. In this work, we show that taking into account distances of test samples to their expected training distribution can significantly improve performance estimation under covariate shift. Precisely, we introduce a "distance-check" to flag samples that lie too far from the expected distribution, to avoid relying on their untrustworthy model outputs in the accuracy estimation step. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method on 13 image classification tasks, across a wide-range of natural and synthetic distribution shifts and hundreds of models, with a median relative MAE improvement of 27% over the best baseline across all tasks, and SOTA performance on 10 out of 13 tasks. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/melanibe/distance_matters_performance_estimation.Comment: Accepted to ICCV Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision 202
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